2022 Film Community Survey
“I think that the Georgia film community is very special and I would not want to make my films anywhere else! The infrastructure is here in terms of crew, facilities, and physical resources but development and post opportunities are largely the same as they were 10 or 20 years ago. ”
Major Takeaways
At 43.5%, the plurality of respondents had Over 10 years of Experience, with another 31.8% having 4 to 10 years of Experience. This speaks to the quality of our crews, as well as the impact of the 2008 tax incentive (N=246)
Film was the predominate production respondents worked on, with 9 out 10 answering. Television came in second with 7 out 10 answering (N=245)
77% of respondents said the average budgets of their Narrative Features were under $300K (N=84)
72% graded the Georgia Film Scene with an A or B, lagging 29 points behind, only 43% graded Georgia’s Independent Film Scene with an A or B (N=245)
59% of respondents said it Feels More Difficult or Feels a Lot More Difficult Paying Living Expenses
156 respondents said The Film Community was one of the Georgia Film Scene’s Most Rewarding aspects, making it the top choice. Second with 113 responses was Working in the Industry, and coming in third was The Diversity with 111 responses (N=237)
108 respondents said Progressing in Your Career and Funding for Projects were two of the most challenging aspects of the Georgia Film Scene. Access to More Senior Professionals came in third, with 82 respondents (N=243)
April 2022…It Started with A conversation
A discussion developed between Film Impact Georgia (FIG), local filmmakers and leaders at sister film organizations. Quickly we came to understand, that as eager as we all were to provide Georgia filmmakers more support, we needed to precede action with more listening.
On June 13th, partnering with RoleCall theater we hosted a roundtable discussion were folks in the film community shared their wins, pain points and needs. In conjunction, we also released a survey, collecting data from 250 respondents from May 21st to June 24th with a few key objectives (see below).
Combining the in-person discussions with the survey results was the basis of the report above.
We at FIG will be (and already have) using this information to aide us in meeting our mission to support filmmakers in our home state. We hope the community and sister organizations will not only find this informative, but that it will assist them in the work they do day in and day out.
See the Original Responses
Key Objectives:
Develop a basic profile of Georgia’s film community
Identify community strengths
Identify community pain ponts
Understand the career needs of the community
Provide film organizations some transparency into the community
Establish a baseline that can be updated yearly with future surveys